
Game Rules

- In HiLo the player must guess if the next card will be higher (>) or lower (<) than the current card showing.

- The deck is infinite so you are always guessing the next card from a full deck of cards.

- The Ace is high in this deck.

- The win payout multiplier for each choice is shown on the bet buttons.

- You can change the amount to stake on the bet by simply clicking in the Stake input box and typing a new amount.

- The Balance shows the available funds to play

- If you don't like your current card, just redeal a new one by clicking "REDEAL".

- Click the "<=","<",">", or ">=" button to make your choice and bet.

- If you predicted correctly...KaChing!!

Game Limits

- The game limits are managed by the operator. The current game limits are below.

- Maximum bet EUR: 10000

- Minimum bet EUR: 1

- Maximum Win for one bet EUR: 1000000

Additional Info

- RTP for this game is 95%.

- In the event of a malfunction of the gaming hardware or software, any affected bet is rendered void and the bet is refunded.

- If the internet connection is interrupted, any affected bet is rendered void and the bet is refunded.

Are you ready to deal? Let's play!